[GRASS-user] nearest point to a line

Malte Martin malte at perlomat.de
Sun Mar 14 16:04:56 EDT 2010

Hi Richard,

yes, the -a flag did the trick.

Am 14.03.2010 um 20:36 schrieb Richard Chirgwin:

> Malte,
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 21:04:26 +0100
>> From: Malte Martin <malte at perlomat.de>
>> Subject: [GRASS-user] nearest point to a line
>> To: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> Message-ID: <5F3C1CB5-3E88-4C31-8379-8740F88CB001 at perlomat.de>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes
>> Hi Grass users!
>> After a few years without GRASS I'm starting to work with GRASS  
>> again.  And of course I have some problems or better questions if  
>> GRASS will  fit my needs.
>> I have to find the nearest point to a line. I think v.distance wil  
>> do  the trick but I'm a little bit confused. My idea is using  
>> v.distance  with a threshold. The output should be a table with the  
>> point number  or better point designation, the distance and the  
>> designation of the  line. So I'll be able to sort the table with  
>> the minimum distance of  each line. But I'm "lost in documentation"  
>> somehow. It would be great  if someone could give me a short hint.  
>> How can I get the output (of  course the desginations are  
>> attributes of the sites and lines).
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Malte Martin
> v.distance using the -a flag allows you to specify an output table.  
> In the output table, from_cat is created automatically. Specify  
> upload=cat column=to_cat will capture the to-category.
> Unfortunately, for me anyhow, if I use upload=cat,attr and  
> column=to_cat,<attribute name> it fails - but you can use the  
> from_cat and to_cat to populate other database columns in the db  
> instead of Grass.
> RC

Malte Martin
+ 49 531 2258085
+49 177 3841416

Comeniusstr. 4
D-38102 Braunschweig
skype: maltehm
icq: 587439702

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