[GRASS-user] GRASS temporary files and removing mapsets?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 30 15:07:41 EDT 2010

Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
> I'm getting close to finishing up a generic code that sends
> any given raster command to gridengine for parallel processing
> (I'll post it as soon as its ready for testing), but I had a


> couple of quick question on GRASS standards:
> 1) For a given mapset, is there a directory within it that
> is designed for temporary, non-geospatial files (e.g. text
> parameter files)?

see $MAPSET/.tmp/, G_tempfile(), and g.tempfile and perhaps a
python helper funtion too.

clean it up with $GISBASE/etc/clean_temp

> 2) Is there an "official" way to remove a mapset from GRASS
> short of rm -rf /pathto/mapset)?

No. (the startup gui has a button to do it, but I guess you
mean something scriptable)

> Thanks!  Would anyone be interested in testing out the
> code once its done?  If so, send me a message.  You'll need to
> get gridengine installed (or have access to a working
> gridengine server).  I got it installed in about 2 minutes on
> a debian system by just downloading the binaries and running
> the install scripts that come with it (I had
> NO luck getting the debian package via apt-get working,
> mind you).

what version of debian? is there a deb bug #?



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