[GRASS-user] help with georectify

Stuart Edwards sedwards2 at cinci.rr.com
Wed Oct 6 09:23:17 EDT 2010

Hi ~

GRASS 6.4.0 / OS X 10.6.4 and 10.5.8 (PPC) with wxpython

I'm having a problem with the georectify module - which is strange since I've used it a lot in the past without any problems; although maybe not since I upgraded to this GRASS version - hard to remember.  The module executes smoothly through the selection of GCPs and will compute an rms error.  However, when the georectify button is activated I get an error message stating that the Group does not exist.  Right above this message is a line from i.points stating that the points file was saved for this group -- i.e.  

POINTS file </Users/stu/grassdata/xy2/PERMANENT/group/sheet9/POINTS> saved      
(Wed Oct  6 09:03:44 2010)                                                      
i.rectify -a group=sheet9 extension=georect64214 order=1                        
ERROR: Group <sheet9> does not exist
(Wed Oct  6 09:03:44 2010) Command finished (0 sec)                             

This looks a little like a bug that was identified last year and fixed (# 689 / # 709)

BTW, what is the complex 'extension' and why  is the auto-generated value so 'complex'   

Thanks for any assistance .......


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