[GRASS-user] Difference between r.series; r.patch

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 13 04:08:04 EDT 2010

katrin wrote:
> I have a sequence of satellite images (e.g 1 in the north, other in the
> center and other in south) that I want to merge in a single image. I found
> three GRASS methodologies:
> - r.series
> - r.patch
> - i.image.mosaic.
> Which one is the best to perform what I need?

I'm not really familiar with i.image.mosaic, but r.patch would be the
one to use if you have three satellite images taken in sequence which
you wish to merge into a single image.

r.series is usually used to merge overlapping maps, r.patch to merge
adjoining maps.

to make r.patch easier, you can do:
 g.region rast=map1,map2,map3

to extend the region settings to the outer bounds of all three maps.



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