[GRASS-user] Question about r.in.xyz

Daniel Victoria daniel.victoria at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 14:22:26 EDT 2010

In your r.in.xyz the input file is named filev2 while in the r.info
command it says input is named saidav2. Is that what you mean by


On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 6:15 AM, Franz Schiller
<franzschiller1975 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hamish
>> that's simply a function of what's present in your input data.
>> for floating point values it will just be the next highest
>> integer beyond the maximum data value and can be ignored.
> Uhm but it has to do with the "number of categores"? It's used for Histogram
> only?
>> see also the output of r.univar and the display histogram tool.
> Ok r.univar is ok (I guess).
>> > - and in the r.info v2 I get a command slightly different from
>> > the one I typed:
>> > r.in.xyz input="C:\Test_areas\graphbased\saidav2" \
>> >   output="v2 at PERMANENT" method="mean" type="FCELL" fs=" " \
>> >   x=1 y=2 z=3 zscale=1.0 percent=100
>> > Why?
> But it didn't change my dataset right?
> Franz
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