[GRASS-user] Displaying layers - GRASS 6.4.0RC6 with MSYS

Robbie Heremans robbie.heremans at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 05:11:58 EDT 2010

Thanks Micha for putting me on the right track.


before the d.vect commands or before the for-done-loop does the job.


2010/9/16 Micha Silver <micha at arava.co.il>

> Robbie Heremans wrote:
>  I use the Windows-version *GRASS* 6.4.0RC6 with *MSYS* and I want to
>> display 2 *layers* using following commands for the Spearfish60 sample
>> location.
>> d.vect streams col=blue
>> d.vect roads col=red
>> The output file map.png only displays the last layer.
> I think what you need is to set the environment variable GRASS_PNG_READ to
> TRUE. Then each run of d.vect will start with the existing png file and add
> to it.
>> How can I display multiple layers with MSYS?
>> Using the wxGUI interface is not an option, I think, since I want to
>> remake the example on
>> http://casoilresource.lawr.ucdavis.edu/drupal/node/340 which uses a loop
>> (map.png only gives the points of the 5th cluster).
>> # there are 5 clusters: show them all, and compute convex hulls
>> for x in `seq 1 5` do v.extract --o in=bclust where="cluster=$x"
>> out=bclust_$x v.hull --o in=bclust_$x out=bclust_hull_$x
>> d.vect bclust_hull_$x type=boundary fcol=none width=2 col=white
>> d.vect bclust icon=basic/box fcol=black col=black size=6
>> done
>>  Any solutions?
>> Robbie
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