[GRASS-user] river profile, how to

kapo coulibaly kmcoulib at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 00:40:27 EDT 2011

If you have the shapefile for the river (or vector line in GRASS) you can
convert it to points by using v.to.points and making the points really close
to one another (make dmax small). then use *v.what.rast* to get the
elevation at the points locations.
Hope it helps

On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 8:18 AM, ambijat <ambijat at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I wish to develop a river profile from start point to its last. The GRASS
> 6.4.1 has a tool profile analysis, which is a bit crude. If I take two
> points, eg. river head and its last point then it gives a profile, but it is
> a direct and not along the course of the river. And, if I create a series of
> point all along the course, then certainly not the best values are there as
> selection process is very tedious. So, is there a method which would
> automatically take the raster values of the river course seen as a line and
> give a simple fine river profile.
> Thanks
> Ambrish Dhaka
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