[GRASS-user] Error trying to mosaic two images

femgo femgo27 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 07:41:28 EST 2011

Hello, I´m new GRASS´s user, so probably this is question have already been
I have two geotiff images that I want to mosaic, but GRASS shows this error:

Mosaicing two images...
syntax error, unexpected '@', expecting '='
Parse error
C:/Arquivos de programas/GRASS
6.4RC1/scripts/i.image.mosaic: line 98: D:\Felipe\Grass/newL
ocation/PERMANENT/colr/x5_495ZN at PERMANENT.x6_495ZN@PERMANENT
.mosaic: No such file or directory
cat: D:\Felipe\Grass/newLocation/PERMANENT/colr/x5_495ZN at PER
MANENT: No such file or directory
C:/Arquivos de programas/GRASS
6.4RC1/scripts/i.image.mosaic: line 103: D:\Felipe\Grass/new
Location/PERMANENT/colr/x5_495ZN at PERMANENT.x6_495ZN@PERMANEN
T.mosaic: No such file or directory
cat: D:\Felipe\Grass/newLocation/PERMANENT/colr/x6_495ZN at PER
MANENT: No such file or directory
C:/Arquivos de programas/GRASS
6.4RC1/scripts/i.image.mosaic: line 108: D:\Felipe\Grass/new
Location/PERMANENT/colr/x5_495ZN at PERMANENT.x6_495ZN@PERMANEN
T.mosaic: No such file or directory
Ready. File x5_495ZN at PERMANENT.x6_495ZN@PERMANENT.mosaic created.
Nome de arquivo ilegal. O caractere <@> não é permitido.
ERROR: Raster map <x5_495ZN at PERMANENT.x6_495ZN@PERMANENT.mosaic> not found
in current mapset
(Mon Dec 05 10:42:04 2011) Comando terminado (1 sec)

It says the problem is the @, which was put automatically into the images´s
name to indicate where it is.
How should I proceed?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the poor english.
Felipe Moreira Gonçalves
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