[GRASS-user] wave energy model

Salvatore Mellino salvatore.mellino at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 05:30:57 EDT 2011

I have a problem with safari, but now I try to download files with firefox and it works. I download this file: US058GOCN-GR1mdl(1).0110_0240_00000F0RL2010010100_0001_000000-000000max_wav_ht. It is correct? This is the file for 01/01/201o the first on the list. I have to download 1 file for each day? I need a long term average/exposure (one year).

Thanks for now...I have a lot things to learn.

I don't know if I am able to build SWAN by my self, I'm not a programmer. Until one week ago I worked with ArcGis but now I want switch to opensource.

Il giorno 01/lug/2011, alle ore 10.24, Hamish ha scritto:

> Salvatore wrote:
>> I'm not able to download any data from your links...
> what's the error message?
>> I never worked with these kind of data before. 
> now's your chance :)
> gdal can read GRIB format directly, but due to a gdal bug you'll
> have to apply a 1/2 cell correction after import with r.region.
> did you want long-term average conditions/exposure or 
>> Than I would to know where I can find a good bathymetry.
> I don't know of a good source in the Med. Maybe someone else
> does?  For global oceans the ETOPO1 dataset is great, but that's
> not terribly useful near shore.
> An approach of last resort is to digitize from nautical charts.
> I usually prepare my model grid/bathy in GRASS then export with
> r.out.ascii, it can read those files directly.
> For MacOSX I guess you'll have to build SWAN yourself using a
> fortran compiler. (GCC's gfortran is fine)  Note SWAN likes lots
> and lots of RAM.
> Hamish

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