[GRASS-user] VI Jornadas de SIG Libre de Girona, Marzo 2012

Lluís Vicens lluis at sigte.udg.es
Tue Jul 12 04:00:50 EDT 2011


The reason for this email is to inform that we already have dates for
the holding of the VI Jornadas de Libre de Girona [1]. The event will
take place on 21, 22 and March 23, 2012, in Girona. We will soon publish
the new website.

Take this opportunity to inform you that we've opened the Call for
Workshops Proposals [2] (the workshops will be imparted on March 21).
Have an idea of workshop and want to impart it in Girona? Then, do not
hesitate to send us your proposal before October 1.

Take a look to the announcement page[2] to get more detail about this

Spanish is the official language of the Conference, but proposals and
workshops in English are welcome.

[1] http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/
[2] http://sigserver4.udg.edu/wiki_jornadas/index.php/Anuncio_1 

Lluís Vicens
Comité Organizador
Jornadas de SIG Libre

Sitio web:   http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre 
Síguenos en: http://twitter.com/SIGLibreGirona

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