[GRASS-user] sqlite database connection problems

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Tue May 17 08:01:33 EDT 2011


I tried to delete a vector file but I got following error:

g.remove vect=river_gen at Cele                                                    
Removing vector <river_gen at Cele>
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Unable to open database: unable to open database file
Unable to open database </Users/Johannes Radinger/Documents/GRASS-GIS/Cele_location/Cele/sqlite.db/> by driver <sqlite>
Unable open database </Users/Johannes Radinger/Documents/GRASS-GIS/Cele_location/Cele/sqlite.db/> by driver <sqlite>
Unable to find table <river_gen> linked to vector map <river_gen>
couldn't be removed
<river_gen> nothing removed

So i tried to list the the database connection and tables of my database and but there is that table existing:

db.connect -p                                                                   

db.tables -p                                                                    

I am using Grass 6.5SVN (around 2 weeks old) on mac os x. What is causing this connection problem??

thank you

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