[GRASS-user] nviz script don't work

Bornemisza Imre born at freemail.hu
Tue May 17 10:16:36 EDT 2011

Hi, dear GRASS-Users,

do you have idea, why nviz my fly-script don't plays?


VMware Player 3.1.3 build-324285 (on WinXP)
(because I haven't access to install a "real" Linux)

Ubuntu 10.04.2-desktop-i386 (because 11.04 was instable)

the install command was on the just installed Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin grass grass-doc

GRASS version: 6.4.0RC5

script was made by d.nviz, the running commands:
d.nviz -ice input=elevation.dem output=fly_01 dist=3000 ht=2000 frames=1000
nviz command:nviz elevation=elevation.dem vect=roads color=landuse script=fly_01.nvscr

nviz answers:
Loading raster map <elevation.dem at PERMANENT>...
Loading raster map <landuse at PERMANENT>...
Vector map <roads at PERMANENT> loaded (757 features)
Entering script mode ...
, but nothing moves.

(If the answer in the Archives,
send me please the URL and the method to find it next time.)

Thanks for your help:
Imre Bornemisza - born_AT_freemail_DOT_hu 
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