[GRASS-user] Problems while running d.out.file

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu Nov 17 03:51:16 EST 2011

[for the record for the list, as I originally sent this from the wrong 

On 16/11/11 11:55, António Rocha wrote:
> Hi Martin
> About that functionality. d.out.file allows me to define size of output
> image which is something that I need. WHen I try to do that with the
> functionality that you mention (e.g. with smaller H and W) I get the
> error I reported here
> (http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-user/2011-November/062577.html).
> Michael Barton suggested me to use this function.
> I really need to produce output maps with a specific size and with
> image+scale bar. and when I set HxW I loose Scalebar in my output image.

I can confirm the issue (António, have you posted a bug report ?). The 
problem is not that the scalebar "disappears", but that its location is 
not adapted to the changed resolution: see the 
http://geog-pc40.ulb.ac.be/grass/export_png/ for a series of examples.


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