[GRASS-user] RE: more on misaligned rasters vs vectors

Shane Litherland litherland-farm at bigpond.com
Fri Nov 18 03:15:39 EST 2011

hi all,

I had a similar oddity with two rasters that were in Albers Equal Area,
which should have overlapped but appeared to be about 1.5 hemispheres
apart... At first I thought the metadata may have been erroneous but
maybe there's something else afoot. I got around it by opening them in
separate Albers locations/mapsets, then from there into one latlong
location/mapset where they did align as I initially expected them to in
the Albers projection.

Anyone wanting to check this out first hand to see if it's a GRASS thing
or the original data, can freely download from the following site:

and just look up these two files in the search option at bottom
Digital Elevation Model (25m) South East Queensland (Data Package)
Landsat Imagery Mosaic 2006 Queensland

It may shed some more light on Kirk's issue?


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