[GRASS-user] Manage extension

Edmondo Elisei edmondo.elisei at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 05:10:08 EST 2011

Dear All
there's anyone that can help me about installing grass-dev on ubuntu 10.10
- Maverick?
It's mandatory, I think, in order manage some extensions as r.strahler ...
etc ... by "*g.extension*";
I'm using Grass-6.4.1 at moment.
I tried to install it from the the Official Repository, but Synaptic
answered that grass-dev available on the Repo depends from grass-6.4: the
upgrade didn't work.
Should I downgrade to grass-6.4.0? if "yes": how can I do it?

Thanks (and I apologize for my English)

best regards

*Edmondo Elisei
posta elettronica: edmondo.elisei a gmail.com*
*utenza Skype: edmondo-skype*
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