[GRASS-user] Manage extension

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 19 00:33:34 EST 2011

Edmondo wrote:
> there's anyone that can help me about installing
> grass-dev on ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick?
> It's mandatory, I think, in order manage some
> extensions as r.strahler ... etc ... by
> "g.extension";
> I'm using Grass-6.4.1 at moment.

from UbuntuGIS's ppa repository?
if so, you'll have to get the grass-dev package
from there too.

> I tried to install it from the the Official
> Repository, but Synaptic answered that grass-dev
> available on the Repo depends from grass-6.4:
> the upgrade didn't work.
> Should I downgrade to grass-6.4.0? if "yes": how
> can I do it?

No, neither version of those ubuntu packages has
a fully working g.extension yet. I've recently fixed
the debian packaging rules to allow it to work, but
that won't be in any of the new debian or ubuntu
packages until 6.4.2 probably.

are you running 32 or 64 bit install of maverick?

> Thanks (and I apologize for my English)

it's perfectly understandable.


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