[GRASS-user] Is it possible to export a Raster to KML

katrin eggert katrineggert1980 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 03:44:08 EDT 2011

I'm Sorry but I'm lost in this...
So the email that you sent and those links in google point to use EPSG:4326
but the script requires a different one ? That doesn't make any sense...
If I define a Location with that geoid map that you sent me, will I have
what? EPSG:4326 or the one used by r.out.kml?


> > -> 4326
> Note that KML expects data to be in Latitude-Longitude using
> the WGS84 datum and EGM96 vertical datum as the manual
> says. This is not exactly EPSG:4326.
> I have added a map with geoid undulations in Trentino, Italy
> here:
> http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Global_datasets#EGM2008_Geoid_Data
> Markus
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