[GRASS-user] [v.to.equidist] -- segments generator for v.segment

Alexander Muriy amuriy at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 06:13:38 EDT 2011

Dear GRASS users!

I want to introduce you shell-script
which generates points or line segments along vector lines using module
It's already posted at GRASS_AddOns wiki page. It's an attempt to have the
functionality of perl-scripts v.lmeasure / v.revlmeasure
<http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_AddOns#v.lmeasure>, but in more
consistent form.

It can do:
-- direct and reverse segmenting
-- "broken" line segments instead of continuous
-- create attribute table for output vector and populate it with the values
of line cats, distances etc.

Thanks for your attention.
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