[GRASS-user] Adding a point vector

Kurt Springs ferret_bard at mac.com
Sat Sep 24 15:16:54 EDT 2011

Just to let people following this know.  Old Mega_Ireland $LOCATION is back.  It works and I can start fresh with v.edit tomorrow, unless I can figure out why v.in.db didn't work.  I'm going to work on something else now.  Sometimes it's best to just walk away.:/

For those working on GRASS 7.0 and later, a suggestion.  Short term something like v.db.update where one can simply use SQLite Browser, or whatever, as a backend, run the program, and GRASS GIS says:  "Yes, sir!"  and adds the site.  It might be useful to use spatialite as, like POSTGIS, it stores the geodata, at least as I understand it.

Sorry if this came across as a rant.  It's been a little frustrating.


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