[GRASS-user] region settings

Janet Choate jsc.eco at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 07:17:34 PDT 2012

Hi all,
this seems silly, but i am a bit confused as haven't had this be an issue
before.  i downloaded data from USGS NED (they have changed the process
since i last used). i requested data at 1 arc second (which is supposed to
be approx 30 meters)

i set up a new grass dataset, reading the projection and datum terms from a
georeferenced data file (referring to the w001001.adf file).  at the 'set
default region extent and resolution' page, the correct N/S/E/W coordinates
are shown, however, the N-S & E-W resolution are set to 0.000277777777841.
 it would not let me change the resolution.  accepted and set the region.
 then used r.in.gdal to import the raster (the w001001.adf file), then set
the region to the new dem raster and displayed it.  so all seemed to work
fine.  however, when i check the region settings with g.region -p, the
nsres/ewres are 0:00:01.
i need this to be a 30 meter DEM, and am confused as to what the present
resolution actually is, as i requested 30m (1 arc second) at download from
anyone have any tips regarding this?

thank you,
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