[GRASS-user] how to install gstat with grass 6 support?

Vishal Mehta vishalm1975 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 19:13:07 EST 2012

Hello All,

I'm tring to install gstat (version 2.4.5) with grass 6 support enabled, on
a Ubuntu machine

I've grass-6.5.svn installed in :


i used this configure line to build gstat :

*./configure  --with-grass6=/usr/local/grass-6.5.svn
sudo make install*

but when i run gstat -v, I dont see grass support - like so:
*vishal at SEI-Davis:~/src/gstat-2.4.5$ gstat -v
compiled on:          Feb 23 2012
with libraries:       gdal ncurses netcdf
last modified on:     Fri Jun 17 13:58:48 CEST 2005
gstat home page:      http://www.gstat.org/
questions, bugs etc.  mailto:gstat-info at geog.uu.nl*

How can i successfully install gstat with grass 6 support?

Vishal K. Mehta, PhD

Stockholm Environment Institute - US
133 D St Suite F
Davis CA 95616
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