[GRASS-user] Create raster categories from numbers

Johannes Radinger JRadinger at gmx.at
Wed Feb 29 07:39:24 EST 2012


I have a raster with values the cell values 0,1,2,3,4,noData.
These values are more categories than floating values. So how can
that be defined?
Probably the right tool is r.category to assign category labels.
How is it possible to use just the raster value also as a label for the
raster categories automatically. Is there a special use of r.category for that purpose?
This is especially interesting as I have around 70 "categorial" raster maps with different numbers of categories which I want to process in a loop. I need this as I want to import
then the rasters into R (spgrass6 package) as categorial rasters.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

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