[GRASS-user] Vector Overlay Map Disappears in 3D View

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 14 15:09:58 EST 2012

Rich wrote:
>   I did not know this, and don't recall reading it anywhere. I'm
> surprised that nviz does no better.

strange but true.. 3D faces do work however (and a 2D surface is just a
single 3D face), but without shading AFAIR (tcl/tk nviz).

>   Unless, ... I'll try making a copy of the lakes map
> and converting that to a raster. There is really only
> one lake, the reservoir in the center of the screenshots I provided.
> I'll have to see if I can then overlay that raster lake with the DEM
> so there's only one raster file in the 3D map stack.

dunno about the wxGUI 3D view, but tcl/tk nviz happily lets you load
multiple rasters at once. v.to.rast with the value = the elevation on
the lake and load it up as a secondary map. set the transparency to less
than opaque and the color to a constant blue for a cool effect. you may
need to play around to get the surrounding nulls to be invisible, but I
know that's possible.

if the lake is the lowest part of the DEM you can cheat and just make
a new constant surface in tcl/tk nviz instead of loading a raster map,
then just raise or lower it until it is in position.

using LANDSAT or other satellite imagery at the elevation map's "color"
makes a nice effect, as does ticking the box to have the sun follow the
view puck (before you start moving it).


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