[GRASS-user] How one can find the starting and end point of a line in a vector file or how one can connect two line end to end using C code

ivan marchesini ivan.marchesini at gmail.com
Sat Mar 3 04:14:37 EST 2012

don't know if can help but v.to.db give you coordinates of starting and
ending points of vector lines

to connect them I use v.edit

this is my pythin code

    startc=grass.read_command("v.to.db", flags="p", map="myline",
type="line", option="start", units="meters" , quiet=True)
    endc=grass.read_command("v.to.db", flags="p", map="myline",
type="line", option="end", units="meters")	

    tmpfile = grass.tempfile()
    pfile = open(tmpfile, 'w')
    print>> pfile, "L", "2", "1"
    print>> pfile, startx, starty, startz
    print>> pfile, endx, endy, endz
    print>> pfile, "1", i
    grass.run_command("v.edit", input=tmpfile, flags="n", tool="add",
map="mynewline", snap="node", thresh="1")

hope this help


Il giorno sab, 03/03/2012 alle 11.24 +0530, SWAPAN GHOSH ha scritto:
> Hello,
> Any one can solve me the problem like-" How one can find the starting
> and end point of a line in a vector file or how one can connect two
> line end to end using C code". If there is any change needed in code
> like C or  Python Script please suggest me. How I can do it.
> Regards,
> Swapan
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Ivan Marchesini
Perugia (Italy)
Socio fondatore GFOSS "Geospatial Free and Open Source Software" http://www.gfoss.it
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        ivan.marchesini at gmail.com
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