[GRASS-user] Lidar points height from ground

Daniel Victoria daniel.victoria at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 16:59:26 EDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm trying to calculate the height from the ground of several lidar
points (15million) in order to get the number of points that occur at
different height levels. I read some older posts about using r.in.xyz
(or r.in.lidar in grass 7) but I could not understand how to count the
number or points that have height from 0 to 5 m above the ground, for
instance. So, I'm trying to do the following.

1) import points using v.in.lidar (Grass 7 ubuntu linux)
2) create a column in the database for the ground height and one for elevation
3) populate height column from ground raster (generate in another
process) using v.what.rast
4) calculate elevation as zcoord - ground for each point (v.db.update)

As you might imagine, this takes a long time. Just to import a 400Mb
lidar file takes around 50min.
Is there any easier way that I'm not envisioning?

I'm running Grass 7 with liblas on a Ubuntu Virtual Machine and sqlite backend.


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