[GRASS-user] v.buffer database error

Falko Engel falko.engel at web.de
Thu May 10 08:11:20 EDT 2012

Am 10.05.2012 10:12, schrieb Markus Neteler:
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Falko Engel<falko.engel at web.de>  wrote:
>> Am 09.05.2012 23:32, schrieb Markus Neteler:
> ...
>> thanks for that hint! It helped finding the error.
> Excellent!
> ...
>> So far the problem is clear. v.buffer seems connect to the old DB on
>> localhost.
> With v.db.connect you can connect the map to the correct attribute
> table.
>> But there is another aspect:
>> When I create a new dataset (using g.copy) with an a attribute table in the
>> (correct) DB on the network drive v.buffer recognizes it! This new table
>> doesn't exists on localhost.
>> Is there a way to pipe the debugging info to a file?
> Yes, for example:
> yourcommand>  yourcommand_stdout.txt 2>  yourcommand_stderr.txt
> or
> yourcommand 2>&1>  yourcommand.txt
> So the output is redirected ">" into files.
> Markus

Thanks Markus!

This solved the problem.
I just thought that setting the db.connect would take care of these 
things. And I did set the db.connect correctly from the beginning on.


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