[GRASS-user] XY trace plots

John Nicholls johnnicholls at fastmail.fm
Sat May 19 07:24:22 EDT 2012


I have an ascii file in .csv format containing x/y coordinates and z
values. Z column data represents geophysical data collected along
parallel lines (X and Y coordinates). I wish to display this data in a
format similar to an XY trace plot (see image example), where z data
recorded along individual traverses in the field can be displayed as a
raster image of parallel lines showing both negative and positive
responses along each line. So far I have imported small data sets using
both v.in.ascii  and v.in.lines with also use of v.build.polylines but
the results only produce a single flat line. It is most likely I am not
going the right way about this, hence my query. I have searched the mail
archive in advance of this mail and found no relevant reference. Is it
possible to produce such a display with GRASS?

Thank you in advance,

John Nicholls.   
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