[GRASS-user] PBS

Albert Saribekyan albertsaribekyan at rambler.ru
Fri Oct 5 07:46:23 PDT 2012

HI all!
Albert Saribekyan.
I do make and install in GRASS7 i.vi.mpi module, its already running all right !!
I have wrote and run my script outside of GRASS and its also worked ok! 
script is in attached file!!
but I have to write a PBS script for that
something like this 

#PBS -N ndvi_mpi
#PBS -e ndvi_mpi.err
#PBS -o ndvi_mpi.log
#PBS -q armgrid
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
echo Master process running on `hostname`
echo Directory is `pwd`
echo PBS has allocated the following nodes:
echo `cat $PBS_NBODEFILE`
# Define number of processors to send to mpirun for MPICH
echo This job has allocated $NPROCS nodes


but do not know what to write next...
tell me something;

regards Albert.
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