[GRASS-user] GRASS 6.4 How to extract point-values from multiple rasters

Werner Macho werner.macho at gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 07:44:41 PDT 2013

I recently had nearly the same problem .. and solved it in different GIS
Applications .. (there were not so many points i needed) but during
research I found this link


Which you might find interesting especially when looking at
isectpntrst(in="path/to/shapefile", raster="path/to/raster",
when it comes to bash ..

or probably

using R ..

It always depends how you'd like to solve it .. of course it can be done in
GRASS too ..

hope this helps

kind regards

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 4:37 PM, BLANDENIER Lucien <
lucien.blandenier at unine.ch> wrote:

> Dear GRASS community,
> I have to extract isolated value from several raster.
> I've found this script but I do not understand how to run it. Would
> someone have an other script with more comments (notably what are the input
> I have to give, what are the grass or python function/module) or explain me
> how to run this script.
> I would also be interested by a bash script if someone has such a script.
> Thank you for your support.
> Kind regards
> Lucien
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