[GRASS-user] How to force remove broken vector layers?

Markus Metz markus.metz.giswork at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 05:42:37 PDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Allar Haav <allar.haav at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, and thanks for answering.
> Well, it seems that I've been so preoccupied with my current acticity that I
> missed the real issue which is apparently much wider and weirder. So,
> indeed, nothing to do with database tables and r.drain.
> Apparently, deleting any vector layer gives me the error when using
> g.remove. I tried creating a new location and mapset, but ran into the same
> problem. When removing a vector layer the hist, sidx and topo files aren't
> deleted. I figured it could have something to do with user rights and ran
> the same operation as an admin, but to no avail. No such issue with GRASS 6
> though.

This bug has been introduced recently with r55401. I fixed r55401 in r55681.

Markus M

> The GRASS 7 I'm running currently however is a week-old r55595-540 as the
> later ones have been giving the error regarding pygrass and g.region at
> startup. Could this be the key to my issue?
> Cheers,
> Allar
> On 09/04/2013 15:01, Markus Metz wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Allar Haav <allar.haav at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Several modules (for example, r.drain) produce vector layers that are to
>>> some extent broken, at least in WinGRASS 7. Most probably something to do
>>> with database connections as these seem to be missing for them.
>> Database connections are optional for vector maps. Why do you think
>> the vector map created by r.drain is broken? What do v.info and
>> v.category op=report say? The vector map created by r.drain does not
>> have a database connection, thus also no attribute table. You can add
>> a table with v.db.addtable if you want to upload some attributes.
>>> Anyway, I
>>> still need to use the output files and I've been creating db tables for
>>> them
>>> manually. While they are usable after that, it is nevertheless impossible
>>> to
>>> get rid of them afterwards. Using g.remove, the sample command output is
>>> as
>>> follows:
>>> Removing vector <vectpath at PERMANENT>
>>> WARNING: Unable to delete file
>>> 'C:\GIS\GRASS/Kuigatsi/PERMANENT/vector/vectpath/hist'
>>> WARNING: Unable to delete vector map
>>> WARNING: <vectpath> nothing removed
>>> (Tue Apr 09 13:58:29 2013) Command finished (0 sec)
>> How exactly did you create db tables? The commands you used are needed
>> to reproduce and fix the problem.
>> Markus M
>>> So far the only way of removing those layers is just deleting their
>>> actual
>>> files, but this isn't a good workaround as I'm trying to use it in a
>>> Python
>>> script. Is there any better way to force the removal of those layers?
>>> Regards,
>>> Allar
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