[GRASS-user] wxdigit & 3d maps

Vincent Bain bain at toraval.fr
Sat Apr 13 00:13:31 PDT 2013


I am experiencing trouble with wxdigit and 3d maps: when opening a 3d
vector in edit mode, I cannot select existing features by simple click
(e.g. edit line/boundary, move vertex, split line, and so on). The only
way to actually select features is the dragging box method (available
e.g. with the delete feature tool).

Searching through open tickets I saw nothing but this one
I fear it's a different problem, here I don't have the display issue
mentioned at last by Markus.

I tried to be certain 3d was responsible for the trouble: output a 3d
vector to a standard ascii file, then reimport it either in 2d or in 3d.
Only the 3d map is concerned by the issue.

The next question is : is it really a dysfunction ? if we refer to the
3d map concept, I understand every new feature (point, line, even single
vertex) should be provided a z coordinate, AFAIK wxdigit does not allow
to specify this dimension. But one should be able at least to select
feature in the 2d display, shouldn't he ?

In the end, tcltk v.digit comes to my rescue; it seems it ignores z

Thanks for your "enlightenments" on the topic,

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