[GRASS-user] 'Growing' a raster on the edges only

Hanlie Pretorius hanlie.pretorius at gmail.com
Sun Apr 14 18:06:29 PDT 2013


I'm working in GRASS 6.4.2, WIndows 7.

I have a raster file that, for various reasons, has shrunk to smaller than
its original size and it now now longer crosses the boundaries of a vector
layer to which I need to assign values from the raster.

So I was wondering how I could 'grow' the raster all along its non-null
edge by  assigning a value to the edge of null cells that is one cell
'deep'. Ideally the value assigned should be based on the values of the
surrounding non-null cells without affecting the value of the original
non-null cells. I can then repeat this procedure until the raster exceeds
the boundary of the vector layer everywhere.

So I actually want to 'pad' the raster's non-null values based on

I have looked at r.grow, r.spread and r.buffer, but none of them seems to
do what I want.

Any ideas?

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