[GRASS-user] v.select query and GEOS error?

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 22 21:47:43 PST 2013

charlie wrote:
> I attempted to create a v.select query using the “touch” option,
> which requires GEOS,  and kept  getting an error code stating
> that the only “supported operation is the overlap feature.”.
>   the package manager states that libgeos 3.3.3 is installed,
> so I’m perplexed. Is there anything im missing? I'm running
> Ubuntu Lucid with the Ubuntu GIS PPA enabled. 

Hi Charlie,

it takes more that GEOS being present on the system, it has
to be built into GRASS at build time as well.

at the GRASS> prompt type typing 'g.version -b' to show which
build switches were used. If GEOS support was built in then you
should see --with-geos in the list.

I can tell you already though that it probably isn't there;
if you'd like it to be please file a ticket at bugs.debian.org
against the grass package &/or if you want quicker action you'll
probably have to undertake to compile it from source (which is
not so bad, installing the gdal-dev package will get you most
of what you need).


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