[GRASS-user] grass prompt default working directory

Vincent Bain bain at toraval.fr
Tue Feb 26 11:56:14 PST 2013

Le mardi 26 février 2013 à 16:49 +0100, Vaclav Petras a écrit :

> Hi, you all made some interesting points. Please consider creating
> wiki page on this topic. Something like "Using GRASS from shell
> effectively" or "Ps.map files management/workflow" could be
> interesting not only for newbies to understand why cmd like is good
> but also for advanced users. I guess there is no such wiki page.


writing a few lines on the wiki about ps.map workflow solutions is on my
todo list (to the truth, it's been for quite a long time...)

Scripting ps.map in combination with other command-line tools (convert,
ps2pdf, latex/pstricks, pure postscript instructions, etc.) opens a wide
variety of methods to design accurate, sophisticated and efficient
production flows (OK, everyone here knows it... sorry ;-))

I'll try to spend some time on it soon.

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