[GRASS-user] [gdal-dev] Working with NTF files

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Tue Jul 16 03:42:04 PDT 2013

Nikos A:

> > No (except that I left this option as the "final attempt" of many tests --
> > working with some >1GB images here, so it took me hours... :D).  Your
> > confirmation, though, is highly useful!

Eli Adam wrote:

> Sometimes to avoid materializing large intermediate datasets on disk, a VRT
> can be used.  I'm not sure if this would be useful in your case.

Right, in theory it is extremely useful. Dunno if it'll work. In my To Do 
list... :-)

Frank W:

> > On the GDAL side we often have special info in trac wiki pages under the
> > BuildHints page, but in this case the issues are more usage rather than
> > building so there is no obvious place for user contributions.  The format
> > pages for NITF do have quite a bit of info.  It is (I think) the only
> > driver with an "advanced" page.  However, there are many kinds of NITF
> > files and thus usage patterns that are an issue so it isn't clear how to
> > handle that in the user docs.

> I and others have put GDAL usage notes here,
> http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/CodeSnippets

Thank you, Nikos

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