[GRASS-user] Importing the GSHHS data set using v.in.ogr (grass_trunk)

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Wed Jun 5 11:22:21 PDT 2013

Nikos Alexandris wrote:

> > I am trying to import the GSHHS data set (full resolution, level 1, ESRI
> > Shapefile) using v.in.ogr in G7.
> > 
> > While it starts nicely, and progresses, slowly though in my machince
> > (after
> > all, the data set is really large), it get's stuck at "Finding centroids
> > for...".  Does it really require *too* much time?


> O-K, I am trying v.in.gshhs (in G64) with the binary data.

WoW!  That was lightening fasssst!!

Thanks for that add-on, Nikos

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