[GRASS-user] help with testing the location wizard for the upcoming release

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Fri Jun 14 10:18:51 PDT 2013

Hamish wrote:
> Hi, this is a general call for help.


> if anyone/everyone is able to help test, we have made some fixes
> to the wxGUI new location wizard since 6.4.3rc3, which really
> need to be tested well before the final release. We think all is
> ok now, but a messed up location projection definition and ruin
> everything downstream in the location, so it's an important
> thing to be totally sure of.
> since there are so many projections and datums and ways to
> select them, it's pretty hard to test for "working/not working"
> as we usally could do. Please try throwing your local odd-ball
> CRS at it and see what happens. (check all the way through to
> 'g.proj -p' and 'g.proj -j' in the final location session. make
> sure it does what you'd expect it to do.
> specifically how datum transforms are handled, and CRSs without
> a specificed datum or specified datum terms; usuing all methods
> of defining the projection system. see trac issues #1849 and
> #1967 for further details.


Below, maybe not exactly something that helps the testing process... but, 
anyway here it goes:  I guess it is not possible to follow the good old text-
based way in building a custom coordinate system.

For example, like

grass64 -text


LOCATION:   hgrs87_test______________  (enter list for a list of locations)
MAPSET:     PERMANENT________________  (or mapsets within a location)


                            (OR <Ctrl-C> TO CANCEL)


Would you like to create location <hgrs87_test> ? (y/n) [y]


To create a new LOCATION, you will need the following information:

1. The coordinate system for the database
        x,y (for imagery and other unreferenced data)
        Other Projection
2. The zone for the UTM database
   and all the necessary parameters for projections other than
   Latitude-Longitude, x,y, and UTM
3. The coordinates of the area to become the default region
   and the grid resolution of this region
4. A short, one-line description or title for the location

Do you have all this information? (y/n) [y]


Please specify the coordinate system for location <hgrs87_test>

A   x,y
B   Latitude-Longitude
D   Other Projection
RETURN to cancel

> D


Other Projection coordinate system? (y/n) [y]


Please enter a one line description for location <hgrs87_test>

> Hellenic Geodetic Reference System 1987
Hellenic Geodetic Reference System 1987
ok? (y/n) [y] 

Please specify projection name
Enter 'list' for the list of available projections
Hit RETURN to cancel request
Do you wish to specify a geodetic datum for this location?(y/n) [y] 

Please specify datum name
Enter 'list' for the list of available datums
or 'custom' if you wish to enter custom parameters
Hit RETURN to cancel request

Please specify ellipsoid name
Enter 'list' for the list of available ellipsoids
Hit RETURN to cancel request

Please specify datum transformation parameters in PROJ.4 syntax. Examples:
        towgs84=dx,dy,dz        (3-parameter transformation)
        towgs84=dx,dy,dz,rx,ry,rz,m     (7-parameter transformation)
        nadgrids=alaska (Tables-based grid-shifting transformation)
Hit RETURN to cancel request
Parameters to be used are:
Is this correct?(y/n) [y]


Enter Scale Factor at the Central Meridian  [1.0000000000]: 0.9996

    Enter Central Parallel (23N) :0

    Enter Central Meridian (96W) :24

Enter False Easting  [0.0000000000]: 500000

Enter False Northing  [0.0000000000]: 
Enter plural form of units [meters]:


...which will define a Location

g.proj -p

name       : Transverse Mercator
towgs84    : -199.87,74.79,246.62,0,0,0,0
proj       : tmerc
ellps      : grs80
a          : 6378137.0000000000
es         : 0.0066943800
f          : 298.2572221010
k_0        : 0.9996000000
lat_0      : 0.0000000000
lon_0      : 24.0000000000
x_0        : 500000.0000000000
y_0        : 0.0000000000
unit       : meter
units      : meters
meters     : 1.0

All is ok using the correct epsg code (e.g. 2100).  However, what about 
replicating the above process with the new Wizard?

Thanks, Nikos

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