[GRASS-user] Analyse water of a river using GRASS... (Andranik Hayrapetyan)

Mayeli Sanchez Martinez acciondirecta at ada.org.mx
Wed Jun 26 14:44:12 PDT 2013

Hi Andranik:
> Good day,
> My question can sound a bit not concrete, it is a some generic question,
> because I don't know yet what exactly I will need...
> I need to do some analysis on waters of a river, and want to know what kind
> of analysis can be done using GRASS and satellite images? What kind of
> problems is possible to solve  in this aspect using GRASS and satellite
> images? Can someone point me to some documentation about this?
> I just need a point where I can start from.
may be some watershed analysis could be a good beginning, there are a
lot materials in the web for example http://terrain.cs.duke.edu/projects.php



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