[GRASS-user] ps.map: rectangle over map border?

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon Mar 11 05:33:15 PDT 2013

On 11/03/13 12:36, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> Hi list!
> In ps.map,
> is it (not) possible to overlay a color-filled rectangle, which exceeds the map
> frame/border, and by doing so, it should be on top of the border?
> Currently, no matter what I try, the map border is drawn on top of the
> rectangle (within which I have placed a color table/legend).
> The colortable does not feature a background option (according to the manual
> -- blindly tested as well)!?
> Is there a trick to overcome this problem? (--yes, I want to break the
> convention of being inside the map frame)

AFAIK, just give the rectangle map coordinates that are outside the map 
frame. Ex:

raster elevation at PERMANENT
rectangle 637375 211190 643918 207236
     color black
     fcolor red
     width 2.0

with r.info -g elevation:



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