[GRASS-user] ERROR: Bytes do not match file size with r.in.bin (but file size is correct!!)

kapo coulibaly kmcoulib at gmail.com
Thu May 9 06:48:41 PDT 2013

Hi Ludvico,
You also want to check how the binary was written in FORTRAN. depending on
the compiler and/or the access type fortran can write extra bytes before
and after every record (they are called record marker). In that particular
case the file would be bigger than the information it is supposed to
contain. It is explained here: http://paulbourke.net/dataformats/reading/
I copied the content of the site below in case the link doesn't make it.


Ever wanted to read binary files written by a FORTRAN program with a C/C++
program? Not such an unusual or unreasonable request but FORTRAN does some
strange things ..... consider the following FORTRAN code, where "a" is a 3D
array of 4 byte floating point values.

        write(60) nx,ny,nz
        do k = 1,nz
          do j = 1,ny
           write(60) (a(i,j,k),i=1,nx)

 What you will end up with is not a file that is (4 * nx) * ny * nz + 12
bytes long as it would be for the equivalent in most (if not all) other
languages! Instead it will be nz * ny * (4 * nx + 8) + 20 bytes long. Why?

Each time the FORTRAN write is issued a "record" is written, the record
consists of a 4 byte header, then the data, then a trailer that matches the
header. The 4 byte header and trailer consist of the number of bytes that
will be written in the data section. So the following

        write(60) nx,ny,nz

gets written on the disk as follows where nx,ny,nz are each 4 bytes, the
other numbers below are 2 byte integers written in decimal

        0 12 nx ny nz 0 12

The total length written is 20 bytes. Similarly, the line

        write(60) (a(i,j,k),i=1,nx)

gets written as follows assuming nx is 1024 and "a" is real*4

        10 0 a(1,j,k) a(2,j,k) .... a(1024,j,k) 10 0

 The total length is 4104 bytes. Fortunately, once this is understood, it
is a trivial to read the correct things in C/C++.

A consequence that is a bit shocking for many programmers is that the file
created with the above code gives a file that is about 1/3 the size than
one created with this code.

        write(60) nx,ny,nz
        do k = 1,nz
          do j = 1,ny
            do i = 1,nx
              write(60) a(i,j,k)

 In this case each element of a is written in one record and consumes 12
bytes for a total file size of nx * ny * nz * 12 + 20.

Hope it helps

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 5:27 AM, Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Ludovico wrote:
> > Thank you for your answers. A few info on my system:
> >
> > I'm running on a computational node under linux with 64GB or
> > RAM the machine architecture is a x86_64 and the kernel is
> > also 64bit (running getconf LONG_BIT output is 64)
> >
> > The version of GRASS I am running is 6.4.1
> You'll have to upgrade to a newer version. The fix for r.in.bin
> was added just a few days after the release of 6.4.1, which was
> two years ago.
> I'd suggest 6.4.3rc3, get in early and help us test the upcoming
> release. :)
> Hamish
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