[GRASS-user] How to set layer opacity in maps created from command line?

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Thu Oct 3 17:33:53 PDT 2013

On Thursday 03 of October 2013 14:21:03 Gregory Penn wrote:
> Nikos,

Hi Gregory!

Better on-list, the experts will jump-in, others will benefit as well from the 

> Thanks for your help. I think that r.blend might be the module that I needed
> to find. Would you mind answering an additional question? You were able to
> tell from the sequence of commands that I'm using that I'm using GRASS 6.x
> and not GRASS 7, either because what I'm doing won't work in GRASS 7 or
> because there's a better way.

I simply guessed that you use "d.mon start=/stop=" in GRASS 6.x.  Note, there 
are no X "monitors" any more in G7, only wx-Monitors!  This was (is) quite 
some groundbreaking change in GRASS GIS' own ecosystem.  Many of the d.* 
scripts/modules wont work anymore.  And, (my!) truth told, there are some of 
them which are Fantastic.

> Having looked at the documentation, I think that many of the new features in
> GRASS 7 will be very helpful to me and I'd like to make the transition.

The transition isn't that hard per se I think.  But you might miss some of the 
d.mon, given you work a lot in the command line, related goodies (such as 
splitting in multiple frames for example).  Then again, you will find new 
goodies such as g.gui.mapswipe :-)

> Could you explain (or direct me to documentation) how I should accomplish
> the same thing in GRASS 7?

I think in this very example nothing changes.  It is the exact same sequence.
Just another note, you do know/use the "-o (overlay)" flag in grass6.x, right?

> What I'm trying to do is pretty simple for now: create an image file that is
> a composite of several raster and vector layers.

See also my previous reply (to the list).

> Cheers,
> Gregory

Best of success, Nikos

> p.s. I just realized that this response is going to your email address and
> not to the list. Please let me know if I should repost this to the list, in
> which case you can ignore this message and respond there.

pps- I took the liberty to cc- the list, hope you wont mind :-)

[rest deleted]

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