[GRASS-user] v.in.ascii : ERROR: write sidx

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Thu Oct 3 17:44:14 PDT 2013

Yann wrote:

> > The command was :
> > v.in.ascii -z input=${FILE} output=${NAME_OUT} separator="${FS}" z=3
> > --overwrite

Hamish wrote:

> Hi,

> just to note -- the {curly} brackets do nothing to
> protect from spaces in filenames in this situation,
> "double" quotes should be used for that.
> the curly brackets protect the variable name, not its
> contents, so are mostly useful for when a letter,
> number, or "_" follows the variable name.
> I actually think it is dangerous to use the curly
> brackets because it tricks people into thinking they
> are protected when they are not.

Maybe "${FILE}" then?  I remember this as being Glynn's recommendation, some 
time ago... 

Best, Nikos

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