[GRASS-user] converting LAT/LON coordinates to X/Y coordinates

Szilard Albert szilard.albert at gmail.com
Sun Oct 13 20:26:46 PDT 2013


I am trying to batch convert Lat/Lon coordinates of several hundred points
into XY coordinates.
Would this be possible using ogr2ogr or similar?

Please see a sample of input (ukoa navigation text file).
Columns 1-9 are "Line" name, 23-25 "point" name, 26-46 lat/lon.

I can easily manipulate the columns position if needed.


SO81-006A            1657265058.15S1254029.94E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1680265107.44S1254011.76E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1710265119.64S1253948.03E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1740265131.74S1253924.45E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1770265143.94S1253900.73E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1800265156.04S1253837.04E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1830265208.24S1253813.43E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1860265220.45S1253749.74E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1890265232.55S1253726.05E      0.0      0.0

SO81-006A            1920265244.75S1253702.43E      0.0      0.0

On 12 October 2013 04:46, Mark Seibel <mseibel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> > I would like to know if there is a way to convert a shapefile defined
> with Lat/Lon into a shapefile defined with X and Y.
> One could setup a lat/long location and an xy location and project from
> one to another in GRASS.
> Alternatively, one can use gdal's ogr2ogr command to reproject the
> shapefile at the command line outside of GRASS, if the goal is to simply
> reproject a shapefile.
> Mark
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