[GRASS-user] Crown shape drawing

Daniel Victoria daniel.victoria at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 05:18:14 PDT 2013

Hi all,

A while ago I had to do a similar task for Lidar analysis.... So I
made a quick python program for it. The only problem is that it spits
out boxes and not nice round shapes. The code will create both GRASS
ASCII vector format or a csv file that can be used to subset las data.
Also, since I created the program specifically for our needs, the
column numbers are fixed.

Anyway, the code is attached. Hope it helps.


PS1 - I'm no professional coder so I'm certain there are flaws and
leftover lines in the code. But it worked for me...
PS2 - I have another version that will generate a shapefile with
ellipses as crowns but the code is too messy. I'd like to make it more
presentable before releasing it but, if you can stomach poorly writen
python, just let me know...

On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 8:33 AM, Nikos Alexandris
<nik at nikosalexandris.net> wrote:
> On Friday 25 of October 2013 07:56:32 Matteo Mura wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I have a vector-points file containing the points of trees location in a 100
>> x 100 square, it is a permanent plot. The database of this vector contains
>> for each sampled tree the crown projection for each direction (N-S-E-W). I
>> need to convert the points to polygons which shape and size is determined
>> by the crown projection measures. In other therms I would like to have the
>> polygon file which describe the tree crown shape and dimension.
>> Is it possible to do in GRASS? If yes, how can I?
> Not a reply, just a comment: this is a very nice question! If this gets a
> smart solution consider posting it at GIS at SE. GRASS GIS deserves/needs to
> attract more points over there.
> Nikos
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