[GRASS-user] Crown shape drawing

Nikos Alexandris nik at nikosalexandris.net
Fri Oct 25 03:33:45 PDT 2013

On Friday 25 of October 2013 07:56:32 Matteo Mura wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a vector-points file containing the points of trees location in a 100
> x 100 square, it is a permanent plot. The database of this vector contains
> for each sampled tree the crown projection for each direction (N-S-E-W). I
> need to convert the points to polygons which shape and size is determined
> by the crown projection measures. In other therms I would like to have the
> polygon file which describe the tree crown shape and dimension.
> Is it possible to do in GRASS? If yes, how can I?

Not a reply, just a comment: this is a very nice question! If this gets a 
smart solution consider posting it at GIS at SE. GRASS GIS deserves/needs to 
attract more points over there.


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