[GRASS-user] how to make radiometric correction of Aster level 1A image in GRASS GIS
Rengifo Ortega
rengifoo at yahoo.de
Sun Aug 3 13:00:52 PDT 2014
Nikos first of all,
a lot for your quick response !. I guess I will have to install
> I have a ASTL1A image (HDF4), which I intend to use
to generate a DEM using the stereo pipeline, called AMES (NASA
>Note, also, the manual states clearly:
>"ASP can only pro cess Level 1B satellite imagery"
>Chapter 4, page 37).
I understand Aster Level 1B imagery is just a derivative
from Aster Level 1A imagery. See link below.
level 1A raw data are reconstructed, unprocessed instrument digital
counts. This product contains image data with geometric correction
coefficients and radiometric calibration coefficients appended but
not applied [...] "
level 1B product contains radiometrically calibrated and
geometrically coregistered data for all channels. This product is
created by applying the radiometric and geometric coefficients to the
level 1A data [...]"
I thought, If I can make the radiometric correction in GRASS GIS
and eventually the geometrical correction, I would be able to use
this image in AMES as if it was a ASTL1B imagery. Please, correct me
if I am being to optimistic and understimate the work load of doing
so ...:-(
all, the information needed to do this can be found in the metadata
file (.met) attached to the ASTL1A image.
Rengifo Ortega
Nikos Alexandris <nik at nikosalexandris.net> schrieb am 20:24 Sonntag, 3.August 2014:
Rengifo Ortega:
> I have a ASTL1A image (HDF4), which I intend to use to generate a DEM using the stereo pipeline, called AMES (NASA software).
Note, also, the manual states clearly:
"ASP can only pro cess Level 1B satellite imagery"
Chapter 4, page 37).
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