[GRASS-user] Kyngesburye GRASS on Mavericks, command line access

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Thu Jan 9 06:37:07 PST 2014

I think there is info in the installed readme.  You can make a symlink to the grass.sh in the app in /usr/local/bin.

On Jan 8, 2014, at 11:48 PM, Dheeraj Chand wrote:

> Hey, all! I'm using William Kyngesburye's GRASS for Mac OS X Mavericks. It seems to install as a traditional Mac application, which opens and has a Terminal that can be used. It doesn't seem to install to the bin, the way that the Linux versions do.  Here's my situation. I have a script that we can call "geographizer.sh" that contains lots and lots of instructions for GRASS that was written by a colleague. This script needs to be executed at the end of a complex Python script, with the last command being, essentially, "Now, run this bash script!" My question is whether or not I can, so to speak, use the WK GRASS as if it were installed in the bin, as it is in Ubuntu.  If so, can someone guide me through setting that up?
> Best,
> -dx
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