[GRASS-user] align large number of images in a automated way

Milton Ribeiro miltinho.astronauta at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 06:51:18 PDT 2014

Dear all,

Thanks for all your replies.
Considering the answers and comments I complement my request:
1. I have no interest on the spatial coordinates, only need align the
images (so I can use a local coordinate)
2. Although the camera is fixed, there are some variability on the image
positions, the platn canopy change positions etc (and we did some fix on
the camera support, so part of the imagens have a diffent field of view -
but we can bypass this aligning using two or three packages of images)
3. This is part of our E-phenology project, that means that we have
interest on phenological changes thoughout of time
4. I will define regions of interest on the subset of images (let say part
of a canopy) and analyze the greeness or other vegetation change index, so
is important have all the package of images well aligned.
5. Unfortunatelly, as I have 18,000 images (and increasing), collect ground
control point is not the solution :-(

I will carefully check your suggestions, but if you have other hints, this
will be very welcome


2014-07-30 8:03 GMT-03:00 Blumentrath, Stefan <Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no>:

>  Hi again,
> given that from that tower (or in our cases wildlife foto traps) exactly
> the same images are taken at different points in time (assuming cameras are
> mounted with fixed angle and so on), one could ideally use one and the same
> set of GCPs on all images...
> I did not digg through our image material yet, so I cannot estimate the
> maximum shift between images, but I expect (hope) it is neglectable...
> In that case orthrectification in GRASS GIS should be scriptable
> (should`nt it?). I will have a look at our images asap (though that might
> be some days or weeks).
> Cheers
> Stefan
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Miltinho - mcr at rc.unesp.br
Laboratório de Ecologia Espacial e Conservação - LEEC
Depto de Ecologia - UNESP - Rio Claro
Av. 24A, 1515- Bela Vista
13506-900 Rio Claro, SP, Brasil

Fone: +55 19 3526-9647 (office)  19 3526-9680 (lab)
Cel: 19 9853-3220 / 19 9853-5430

Depto Ecologia http://ib.rc.unesp.br/#!/departamentos/ecologia/


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