[GRASS-user] trouble exporting to spatialite

Hamish hamish.webmail at gmail.com
Mon May 19 16:45:07 PDT 2014

On Mon, 19 May 2014 21:35:43 +0200
Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org> wrote:

Hamish wrote:
> > I'm have trouble exporting in spatialite format in GRASS 6,
> > wondering if anyone else has been able to have it work? Seems like
> > a common task.
> >
> > using the SQLite driver with v.out.ogr works ok, but when I
> > add the spatialite option as described in the OGR format page
> > it gives an error for every data point:
> >
> > # NC08 dataset
> > v.out.ogr in=usgsgages dsn=usgsgages.sqlite \
> >   format=SQLite type=point dsco='SPATIALITE=yes'
> >
> > the error message is:
> >
> > ERROR 1: sqlite3_step() failed:
> >   usgsgages.GEOMETRY violates Geometry constraint [geom-type or SRID
> > not allowed] (19)
> >
> > and looking inside the resulting file with sqlitebrowser it seems no
> > points are uploaded to the table.

> See
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2013-May/036148.html
> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2013-May/036152.html
> ...perhaps a pointer.

yes, thanks, that looks quite helpful.

Even wrote on gdal-dev:
> The driver takes responsibility of assigning the SRID automatically
> from the layer SRS. So the error is likely due to an attempt of
> inserting a geometry whose type doesn't match the layer geometry
> type. Spatialite is really strict on that: POLYGON != MULTIPOLYGON,
> and (perhaps I'm not sure) 2D != 2.5D

Here I'm using type=point, and the usgsgages vector map is 2D, so
seems like the most simple case.

from the partially created sqlite file created by v.out.ogr here's the
creation log:

$ echo "SELECT * from spatialite_history;" | sqlite3 usgsgages4.sqlite
1|spatial_ref_sys||table successfully created|2014-05-19 23:14:31|
2|geometry_columns||table successfully created|2014-05-19 23:14:31|
3|spatial_ref_sys||table successfully populated|2014-05-19 23:14:32|
4|usgsgages|GEOMETRY|Geometry [POINT,XY,SRID=40004] successfully
4|usgsgages|GEOMETRY|created|2014-05-19 23:14:33|3.7.13|3.0.0-beta
5|usgsgages|GEOMETRY|R*Tree Spatial Index successfully created|
2014-05-19 23:14:34|3.7.13|3.0.0-beta

In the gdal-dev thread the solution was to pick the correct one
of OGR_G_SetPoint() vs. OGR_G_SetPoint_2D(), maybe that helps here?

Same trouble with
 census_wake2000, type=area
 roadsmajor, type=line

One thing I notice is that SRID 40004 is a custom one added at the
end of the spatial_ref_sys table, after four other custom ones from
Italy. I'm not sure if that is relevant or not.

Anyway, I'll take this to a ticket.


Hamish <hamish.webmail at gmail.com>

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