[GRASS-user] error in opening mapset

Giuliano Urgeghe giuliano.u at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 06:21:06 PDT 2014

I have resolved [1]
after disinstallation appserv

[1] In the recent other message:

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 11:14:58 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: Helmut Kudrnovsky <hellik at web.de>
>> To: grass-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] Fwd: my first script
>> Message-ID: <1413396898311-5167690.post at n6.nabble.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>> Giuliano Urgeghe wrote
>>> > the error in opening mapset is:>
>>> > "impossibile ottenere l'estensione geografica attuale. Uscita forzata
>>> da
>>> > wxgui. Per favore eseguire manualmente g.region per risolvere il
>>> > problema".
>>> as the message states, can you check your region settings by g.region [1]
>> and set it e.g. to the extent of one of your maps e.g. g.region
>> rast=your_raster or g.region vect=your_vector
>> start grass7 e.g. in text mode [2] and use g.region.
>> [1] http://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/g.region.html
>> [2] http://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/grass7.html
>> -----
>> best regards
>> Helmut
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